Situation under control-Last week Mumbai was in the headlines of media worldwide-yet again enduring a ruthless terrorist attack on its chest. A battle of almost 3 days with 195 death and injuring more than 250. Though this kind of attack wasn't new for Mumbai but leaving a big smudge over those people who are said to be responsible for spreading fake proud of being maratha.
When mumbai was battling to save its glory none of the so called Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) follower came out to fight for what they had been jumping & pumping over being Maharashtrian. Recently MNS chief Raj Thackrey raised intense boycott act towards the non-maratha people from anywhere in India to come and reside and work in Maharashtra. Rather a large no. of non-mharashtrian people specially from Bihar, Bengal and U.P were appallingly beaten and humiliated.
But what happened to Raj Thackrey when more than 200 NSG and ATS commandos collectively came to rescue the heart of Mumbai The Taj, and other buildings siezed by the mighty terrorists? Why didn't Raj Thackrey rose out to stop those commandos and send its servant to save their hollow pride of being maratha?
Surprisingly out of those 200 hundred commandos none of them are maharashtrian. And what might have been the consequence if those commandos didn't came to rescue the shelter of Raj Thackrey? Definitely things would have been bizarre.
Being proud of what one posses(es) and what authority and influence one has towards its followers is not a bad thing neither a big deal, but strongly molding the people in a dirty mind-frame of region-ism/vicinity only divides the people, divides the unity, and ultimately divides the Nation.
MNS and Raj Thackrey must remember that someone has quoted it correctly "As u reap;As u sow".
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